2月8號後,發現shareasale聯盟平臺後臺追蹤不到訂單了,正常的流量沒有變化,也發現聯盟羣裏的小夥伴也有遇到同樣的問題,後來就發郵件問了下shareasale的官方的,回覆說是確認下shopify有沒有升級Shopify Checkout Extensibility。
Shopify Checkout Extensibility指的是Shopify平臺上的結賬頁面(Checkout)的可擴展性。這意味着商家可以通過添加自定義功能、應用程序和工具來定製和增強他們的結賬流程。通過利用Shopify Checkout Extensibility,商家可以根據其特定需求和目標,爲客戶提供更個性化、更流暢的購物體驗。這種擴展性使商家能夠更好地控制他們的結賬流程,提高銷售轉化率,並與客戶建立更緊密的關係
如果也有遇到2月8號之後shareasale無法追蹤效果的情況下, shareasale官方目前給出了2種解決辦法
- Option 1 – Do not update Checkout Extensibility until we have released our updated Shopify app:Our recommendation has always been to not make any tracking changes to your affiliate program during Q4, and therefore we recommend all ShareASale-Shopify users wait to upgrade their Shopify Checkout Extensibility until we confirm that ShareASale’s Shopify plugin is updated and compatible in early 2024. I would also recommend reverting your cart back to original cart settings.
- Option 2 – Contact ShareASale for instructions on how to deploy an interim tracking solution: If you have already upgraded to Checkout Extensibility or must do so before our plugin is updated, we have an interim tracking solution available for you to use. Let me know if you would like the instructions to our interim tracking solution.
如果是採用第二種的方式,shareasale給發了安裝的代碼文檔教程,打開shopify後臺Setting的設置, 選擇custom events,點擊add custom pixel並自定義命名shareasale tracking等
接下來就把他們給的一串追蹤代碼複製粘貼到這裏,記得要修改shareasale的Merchant id跟master tag id以及網站的域名在shareasale給的默認的代碼模板上面
a.XXXXX: replace with your ShareASale Merchant ID. You can find this at the top-left of your ShareASale account when you are logged in.
b.!!!!!!: replace with your Master Tag ID.
i. For merchants in the Setup Wizard, you can find this within Step 4 (Tracking Code Installation).
ii. For live merchants, you can find this by navigating to Account Details: https://account.shareasale.com/m-account.cfm
iii. If you cannot locate your Master Tag ID, or would like to verify that you have one, please submit a ticket to our ShareASale support staff.
c.Replacewww.merchantsite.comwith your website URL. Note: only replace the URL – you want to keep the apostrophes
//These Values need to be updated custom for each merchant
const trackingParms = {
merchantid : 115522, // ShareASale Merchant ID Here
masterTagId : 19038, // Master Tag ID Here
scid : null, // StoresConnect Store ID Here
xt : null, // xType Type Here : ‘Static’ or ‘Dynamic’
xtv : null, // xType Value Here
cd : true, // Deduplication On = true, off = false
shop : ‘www.longer3d.com’ // Merchant Shop Name ex: luke-store-fresh.myshopify.com
// Do Not Edit
( function () {
// include dwin1 call
var s = document.createElement(‘script’);
s.type = ‘text/javascript’, s.async = true, s.src = `https://www.dwin1.com/${trackingParms.masterTagId}.js`;
var x = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0];
x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);
// include sas tracking
if ( ! window.sasTracking ) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var s = document.createElement(‘script’);
s.type = ‘text/javascript’, s.async = true,s.src = `https://static.shareasale.com/json/shopify/shareasale-tracking-pixel.js`;
s.onload = sasTrackingInit;
var x = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0];
x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);
function sasTrackingInit () { sasTracking.init(trackingParms);}
analytics.subscribe(‘checkout_completed’, (event) => {
var customerData = init.data.customer;
sasTracking.checkOutCompleted(event, customerData);
analytics.subscribe(‘checkout_completed’, (event) => { sasTracking.checkOutCompleted(event); });
安裝好後最後做一個測試鏈接https://account.shareasale.com/m-gettestlink.cfm,大於0usd的金額就可以一般都是設置1USD的測試訂單, 有追蹤到的話直接把這單給Void掉。
目前也建了聯盟營銷以及Tiktok Shop的交流學習羣都是純賣家,非常活躍交流遇到的一些問題跟經驗,歡迎添加微信:nanxipeng或者掃描下面二維碼加入