- 通过giftcard购买的。众所周知,刷单基本上都是通过giftcard购买。
- IP重复度过高:现在有一种产业叫:留评返现给服务费。这样的人群,容易聚集在一起操作,亚马逊如果扫描到一个IP不同帐号评论数过多,也可能被直接无脑删除。
- 所谓那些没有VP的评价,如果是采用高折扣,删的几率很大,不会被留下来。
- 从亚马逊的大数据分析,交易量不够的时候值评的比例过高也是会被列入重点关注对像。比者跳过的坑:新品上线,前期一定周期内先上了30个直评,旨在提高转化率。但是有一天被对手恶搞来了一个一星的直评,于是去投诉说别人恶搞的。结果,得到的回复是,直接全删除(除了一星的),然后收到一封警告,说操纵评论。所以直评的比例不能高,不能全五星。建议在总星及还可以接受的情况下,给四星。
- 不是关于产品本身的评价
- 如果买家给予的商品评论被判定不符合亚马逊评论规则(可能含有测评或协助促销等内容),亚马逊可以决定删除(removed)或拒绝(rejected)留言。一旦留言被删除或是拒绝,买家就没法再次对同商品留评论,即便给予不同评论的内容也不被允许。
确切的说是Product Review(产品评价)customer feedback(卖家店铺评价包括物流、客服等)。
- 不适当的内容;
- 仇恨言论、令人反感的内容;
- 一个字的评论;(亚马逊的产品评论还有一个75字的最低要求标准,低于这个字数就可以申请删除)
- 促进非法行为的言论;
- 促销评论;
- 针对同一产品发布多个负面评论,也会考虑删除其中至少一个评论;
- 单纯发泄不满情绪,与产品本身无关的评论。
1、举报辱骂行为(Report Abuse)
在review的下方 “Was this review helpful to you? Yes – No”的右边,点击“Reportabuse”,然后写下正当的理由,尽量详细清楚,然后点击“Report as inappropriate” 就完成了。
2、联系seller support
Contact us> selling on amazonissue>product page issue>product review当然有时候即使你理由再充分、正当,但是还是可能被Amazon拒绝,毕竟平台的本质就是靠压榨卖家取悦取并赢得客户的。
3,亚马逊要求的信息:Review的途径,第三方平台网站,留评的买家账号,目前listing还存在的Fake review列表
Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for informing us that our sellingprivileges have been removed because we manipulate product reviews. Anyattempt to manipulate ratings, feedback, or reviews is prohibited.We profoundlyrealized that it is a very seriously wrong behavior violating Amazonpolicy. According to Amazon’s suggestion, we have made a complete and thorough investigationregarding the problem and actions to avoid similar violations again.
1. What reasons caused the issue:
Recently our company recruited some newsales employees for expanding our business scale onAmazon,however, we didn’t carry out a systematic and effective training regarding the Amazonpolicy for the new employees immediately. One new employee made a mistake andmanipulated product reviews, which is prohibited by Amazon policies.
2. Detailed information Amazonrequired.
(1) All methods we used to post or obtain customer reviews.
(a) From the third parties who can providethe review service. We ask them to post the customer reviews.
(b) From emails the reviewers sent onAmazon. We received some emails from the reviewers who provided the customerreviews.
(2) Contact information for any thirdparties we engaged to obtain prohibited reviews.
(3) Identifying information for anycustomer accounts we or third party used to post prohibited reviews.
Attachments are the related customeraccounts we used to post prohibited reviews.
(4) List of any prohibited reviewsremaining on the Amazon site.
Attachments are the related prohibitedreviews remaining on the Amazon site for your reference.
3. Actions we have taken to resolve theissue.
(1) Provide the remaining prohibitedreviews and the information of the third party who posts prohibitedreviews.
According to Amazon’srequirement, we have provided the remaining prohibited reviews and theinformation of the third party who posts prohibited reviews. We guarantee thatthe similar problem won’t happen again.
(2) Strictly inspect all our listings.
Once we received the notification thatour selling privilege was removed, we checked whether all the other listingshave the similar problem immediately. All the related products have been double checked and guaranteed thatall the reviews are normal. We promise that all the listings don’t have thesimilar problem now.
(3) Strengthen staff training.
We will enhance Amazon policy trainingfor the employees and make sure that every sales employees are clear aboutthedetailed policies on Amazon. Meanwhile, we have invitedsome experienced people totrain our new sales employeesuntil they master all the related knowledgeregarding Amazon policies in order to avoid such mistakes causedby human factors. In addition, for the future business on Amazon, we willnot only seek for expanding the scale of sales on Amazon, but also make sureall the products comply with the Amazon’s polices. Webelieve that we can do it better with a professional, skilled, and expandedsales team.
(4) Improve our product quality to makesure that every customer can be satisfied and leave the positive reviewsinitiatively.
All our products have been checked byprofessional QC team to make sure that they are fully functional and asdescribed. Meanwhile, we have strictly checked the supplier’squalification. We timely change the supplier If the theyare not qualified. We deeply realize that what we should do is to try ourbest to provide our mutual customers with the premium products and satisfactoryafter-sale service, rather than manipulate customer reviews.
4. Actions that we will take to ensuresimilar situation won’t happen again:
(1) Strictly check the listings beforeuploading on Amazon.
We have set up a special team forfulfilling our shop’s daily work in order to provide our mutual customers with a bettershopping experience. All products must be double checked by the salesemployees and the sales manager before uploaded on Amazon. Meanwhile,it is promised to completely put an end to the violation actions against theAmazon rule before a product is uploaded. We guarantee that all theproducts obey to laws and Amazon’s policies, all the reviewsare normal and reasonable.
(2) Strickly check ouremployees qualification.
We will strictly check our employeesqualification. We will timely change the employees if they are foundnot qualified to make sure that all our listings meet the requirements andpolicies on Amazon.
(3) Regularly check our listings andproduct reviews.
All listings and product reviews will beregularly checked to make sure that they all comply with the policies andrequirements on Amazon. We guarantee that the similar problem won’t happenagain.
(4) Timely check product reviews andimprove our service.
(a) On one hand, customer service trainingon all aspects of product knowledge. Get familiar with the company’sproducts and improve the effectiveness of the page description.
(b) On the other hand, check our emails,feedback and product review timely. Besides, send emails to our mutualcustomers regularly and get their feedback regarding our products andservice. Reply customers messages within 12hours and try our best to, conscientiously analysis the causes of theproblem customers encountered, and providethem with a satisfiedsolution as soon as possible. We guarantee that the similar problem will nothappen again.
(c) In order to provide our mutualcustomers with a better shopping experience, we guarantee that we will help themexchange the products for free under 1 year warranty.
(5) Implement the FBA plan for more andmore listings.
In order to give our mutual customers abetter shopping experience, we will use FBA service for more and more listingsas soon as possible. We trust in Amazon’s distribution capabilities andafter-sales customer service capability. FBA can always win customers’ favor bytimely delivery and courteous service.
(6) Improve communication with Amazon.
If we are not sure whether our behaviorcomplies with policies on Amazon, we will actively contact with Amazonimmediately and won’t blindly upload the products and manipulate product reviews again.
(7) Carefully learn and strictly obeyAmazon’s policy.
We have carefully learned “Prohibitedseller activities and actions” , and “Condition Guidelines” etc. Meanwhile, we will strictly obey Amazon’s policy. Weguarantee that the similar problem will not happen again.
Amazon sets out the highest standardstowards product quality and customer satisfaction and that is also what we areworking for. It is necessary for each seller to createa better shoppingenvironment together. As you know, we are a new seller; we will never dothe similar violations again. Therefore, we will strictly obey the Amazon salesrule, try to maintain the good Amazon reputation in promoting Amazon to be thebest shopping and sales platform
With the above improvements, we have fullconfidence that we can do it better and want to stay with Amazon’s businessand grow together. We sincerely hope that you can give us anopportunity to improve and we will use our actual action to reciprocateour customers’ trust on us. We have confidence to do it better! Pleaselet us know once you have received this email or if you have any furtherinformation you want us to provide.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks for your kind help and have a niceday.
Best Regards,
一般选择周二—— 周五早上邀评,总体而言周五的来评率会比较高,时间建议在当地时间上午10点左右比较好,老外一般都有上班收发邮件的习惯。
2、邮件主题:邮件主题不一定是Feedback Request,可以用Order Information 或者Additional Information Required 。买家打开邮件,你就成功一半了。
Dear XXX,
(最好用顾客的名字,以示尊重。我不太建议用DearFriend, Dear Customer, 或者写给 A 的邮件写成Dear
Great news! (你的店铺名) order has beenshipped. It left our warehouse earlier today on its way to you! You can expectit on your doorstep within the next (货物寄达天数) days (mostlikely sooner).
You made a great customer choice shoppingwith us. At (你的店铺名), we truly care about your customer experience and, justimportantly, your product experience. We are 100% dedicated to your completesatisfaction. If you’ve had a pleasant buying experience from our store onAmazon, please leave us feedback by clicking on the following link:
Leave Product Review: Product name
Your feedback and comment or suggestion canhelp us provide our all (你的店铺名) product and Amazon customers with a better product and service.
That’s it for now. We appreciate and valueyour business. If you have any questions or concerns please free to contact us.
Best wishes!
Xxx (品牌名) Customer ServiceManager(显的专业)
- 能从Amazon视频频道带来更多的流量
- 对于页面转化率有着明显提升
- 影响review的评级权重