- A Tale of Two Sisters
- agentmselect
- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
- C.H.U.D
- Dead Again
- Funny Games
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- It Follows
- Jaws
- Jordan Peele
- Let the Right One In
- Martyrs
- Night of the Living Dead
- Rosemary's Baby
- The Babadook
- The Birds
- The Goonies
- The Prestige
- The Right Stuff
- the Shining
- The Sixth Sense
- The Stepford Wives
- The Twilight Zone
- Us
- 七宝奇谋
- 乔登皮尔
- 再续前世情
- 变形邪魔
- 复制娇妻
- 大快人心
- 大白鲨
- 太空先锋
- 失婴记
- 我们
- 极限:残杀炼狱
- 活死人之夜
- 灵异第六感
- 灵病
- 爱丽丝梦游仙境
- 血色入侵
- 阴阳魔界
- 顶尖对决
- 鬼店
- 鬼敲门
- 鬼魅
- 鸟
简直恐怖图监 !《我们》致敬超过 20 部影视作品,你发现了多少?
- 2012
- agentmselect
- Automatik Entertainment
- BBQ Son
- Blake Mizrahi
- Blumhouse Productions
- Cameron Ocasio
- Christopher Miller / sleepytime son
- Deputy
- Ellison
- Ethan Hawke
- James Ransone
- Professor Jonas
- Scott Derrickson
- Sinister
- Vincent D'Onofrio
- 伊森霍克
- 凶兆
- 厉阴宅
- 厉阴宅 2
- 史考特德瑞森
- 宿怨
- 恐怖
- 悬疑
- 惊悚
- 探访
- 文森唐诺佛利欧
- 深入绝地
- 灵动:鬼影实录
- 灵病
- 詹姆士兰森
- 阴儿房
- 鬼敲门