这部观众期待已久的续集是 2018 年大获成功的动画冒险片《蜘蛛人:新宇宙》的续篇,故事发生在第一部电影的一年多之後。迈尔斯/蜘蛛人(由沙梅克摩尔配音)受到关史黛西/蜘蛛女(由海莉史坦菲尔德配音)的邀请,要从超级反派「斑点」手上拯救所有宇宙。迈尔斯和关一起穿越多元宇宙,还会遇到由蜘蛛人 2099 (奥斯卡伊萨克饰)领导的蜘蛛人联盟。
CinemaBlend 编辑 Sean O’Connell:
OK. #SpiderManAcrossTheSpiderVerse lives one step above Masterpiece. It's an actual work of art. Every frame deserves to be hung in a museum. The jokes and nods to Spidey lore are perfect. It's OUTSTANDING. The best #SpiderMan movie. Might be my favorite movie ever. Cherish it. pic.twitter.com/mQxSnfKF0N
— Sean O'Connell (@Sean_OConnell) May 25, 2023
《好莱坞报导》作者 Brian Davids:
#SpiderManAcrossTheSpiderVerse is yet another resounding win for the Lord Miller-produced universe. Hailee Steinfeld really comes into her own as Gwen Stacy, and her scenes with Shea Whigham's Captain Stacy are truly special. It's darker and sadder than I expected, but necessary. pic.twitter.com/BekW4nVAyv
— Brian Davids (@PickYourBrian) May 25, 2023
《烂番茄》影评 Tessa Smith:
There are shocking twists, unexpected surprises, and a story that truly makes sense for the crazy multiverse world that we have all jumped head first in to. The new Spider-People are all amazing! Across the Spider-Verse never feels it's length.#SpiderManAcrossTheSpiderVerse pic.twitter.com/y8qZjTzeLf
— Tessa Smith – Mama's Geeky (@MamasGeeky) May 25, 2023
「《蜘蛛人:新宇宙》以其独特的动画风格和讲故事的方式将标准拉高了,观众完全大受震撼,粉丝可能还认为《蜘蛛侠:新宇宙》无法被超越⋯⋯可以再想一想。 《蜘蛛人:穿越新宇宙》甚至超越了自己当初提高的标准。
《This Week Media》主编:
As much as I wanted to love #SpiderManAcrossTheSpiderVerse, it fails to come close to where the original is for me, mainly due to the fact that it prioritizes fan service over a strong story. It truly feels like the first entry in a two-part story and gets predictable as it ends. pic.twitter.com/AkWfozNPxn
— Eze (@EzeBaum) May 25, 2023
《蜘蛛人:穿越新宇宙》将於 6 月 21 日在台上映。
蜘蛛人:穿越新宇宙 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - Part One

肯普包沃斯、Joaquim Dos Santos、Justin K. Thompson