


ShareASale(简称SAS)联盟平台成立于2000年,总部位于美国芝加哥,在2017年被Awin收购,目前以独立的品牌继续运作,官网可以看到字样ShareASale Part of Awin,主要专注于北美市场,目前有16550+个广告主和225000+以上的联盟客资源。


ShareASale的联盟平台注册主要有下面几步,如果使用shopify建站,付款测试就更简单,直接下载个ShareASale的应用然后把ShareASale的merchant ID填上去,装太变为active,接下来来看看是如何注册的,注册链接

  • 填写基础的公司信息
  • 佣金设置
  • 吸引联盟客(affiliate publisher)–关键词设置,类目选择,logo上传,联盟条款
  • 管理联盟客(affiliate publisher)–欢迎语,手动还是自动审核,
  • 安装代码,付款追踪测试
  • 测试代码能否追踪成功
  • 付款

因为我们是以merchant商家的身份的注册的,所以要选择merchant sign up,affiliate sign up主要以联盟客的身份注册的,也可以去注册一个shareasale的对于publisher的注册不是很严格,主要是为了方便我们后续在做联盟营销的一些动作时知道在加入自己品牌的affiliaite program的时候是怎么显示的也便于我们平时做一些联素材的推送,下面的图就是之前以nanxitalk.com的域名注册的联盟客的界面显示,下文也会讲到Affiliate的页面是什么样子的。


点击merchant sign up就会弹出来一些business info需要我们去填写,对着把信息完善好,那个website的要填写你要使用shareasale联盟平台的网站,一定要正确的因为后续代码安装以及付款测试都跟这个相关,还有Login info可以创建个登陆的名字以及密码,但要把创建的名字跟密码记录下来,后续登陆联盟平台都用这个

第二,佣金以及tracking cap或者叫cookies duration


  • 第一,注册Affiliate账户,直接去搜竞品
  • 第二,去竞品的网站footer那里一般都有affiliate program,会有详细介绍
  • 第三,用fosho aff(foshobrands.com)的工具可以看到竞品的佣金设置以及tracking cap,联盟客类型以及带货情况等

下面那个tracking cap 大部分是30days,就是指的是从用户看到点击联盟客推广的产品,无论是content类型的,coupon/deal类,dsp/ppc接接下来的30天内 这个用户只要在网站有成交,联盟客就可以获得佣金, 这也是为什么尤其对于高客单产品或者开通多个联盟平台有那么多重复订单的原因,或者说联盟抢了一些谷歌广告的归因。

高客单的产品一般用户都是多触点才有可能成交,那这个过程中就有很大的重复性,广告/联盟的归因也基本上都是按照last click,要看竞品的tracking cap设置的多少天,以上看竞品联盟佣金的方法一样适用。需要说明的是tracking cap也是吸引联盟客的一个点,这也是跟亚马逊联盟相比很大的一个优势,亚马逊的联盟是24个小时且规则很严格,一旦违反亚马逊联盟规则就会遭遇封号,另外亚马逊联盟商家参与度不大且类目由亚马逊统一佣金设置,相对会比独立站联盟低。

第三,吸引联盟客(affiliate publisher)–关键词设置,logo上传,联盟条款

第三个部分主要是一些关键词的设置,便于联盟客能够搜到自己,上面联盟客的界面也有个merchant center搜索的页面,所以关键词设置除了自己的品牌词,品牌产品词也可以加一些行业词,跟自己的竞品词。




为了履行本协议描述的服务,您将承担所有性质的设立和运营成本费用,包括但不限于与服务有关的任何营销和推广活动,还有就是一些PPC Policy,重复订单/欺诈订单等等如何处理,都要在联盟条款里面写清楚,这个也是后面处理解决与联盟客的纠纷依据之一。

一般联盟客在加入品牌方的联盟项目后都要看一看联盟条款的,看看有哪些行为是不能触碰的,尤其是关于TM商标这块,品牌方有要求是否能允许联盟客投放自己的品牌词,这个要具体问题具体分析了有些品牌方要求非常严格任何TM品牌词的变体都不允许投放,有的是可以允许投放品牌词+coupon/coupon code/voucher等字眼的,因为很大一部分的联盟客的类型是coupon/deal类的,一般在刚开始做联盟的时候需要品牌比较新规则可以设置稍微松些,允许联盟客投放品牌词+coupon code/code/voucher等关键词的,一来品牌比较新用户主动搜索低,二来也便于联盟客进行推广。

Any TM+Keywords is prohibited, please DO NOT bid on brand+ keywords except brand+coupon, brand+voucher etc. The landing page should be your website, please DO NOT use our official websites directly



“xxx Affiliate Terms & Conditions Updated 8/03/2022

Please read our affiliate terms and conditions carefully before you join our program or begin marketing our program. These terms and conditions are written in plain language intentionally avoiding legalese to ensure that they may be clearly understood and followed by affiliates. Each Affiliate is responsible for assuring that its employees, agents and contractors comply with these terms and conditions. Affiliate terms and conditions are subject to change. DEFINITIONS As used in these terms and conditions: (i) “We”, “us”, or “our” refers to xxx Power and our website; (ii) “you” or “your” refers to the Affiliate; (iii) “our website” refers to the xxx Power properties located at http://www.xxx.com; (iv) “your website” refers to any websites that you will link to our website; (v) “Program” refers to the xxx Power Affiliate Program. ENROLLMENT After receiving your application, we will review your website and notify you of your acceptance or rejection into our Program. Please allow up to 48 hours for your application to be reviewed. We reserve the right to reject any application, however we encourage you to contact us if you feel we have made an incorrect decision. Including all of the websites that you use in your profile will help us make a better decision. WEBSITE RESTRICTIONS Your participating website(s) may not: 1. Infringe on our or any anyone else’s intellectual property, publicity, privacy or other rights. 2. Violate any law, rule or regulation. 3. Contain any content that is threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, harmful to minors, or contains nudity, pornography or sexually explicit materials. 4. Contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data, or personal information. 5. Contain software or use technology that attempts to intercept, divert or redirect Internet traffic to or from any other website, or that potentially enables the diversion of affiliate commissions from another website. This includes toolbars, browser plug-ins, extensions and add-ons.

LINKING TO OUR WEBSITE Upon acceptance into the Program, links will be made available to you through the affiliate interface. Your acceptance in our program means you agree to and abide by the following. 1. You may ONLY advertise coupon codes that are provided to you through the affiliate program or network. 2. You may NOT advertise coupon codes obtained from our non-affiliate advertising, customer e-mails, paid search, or any other campaign. 3. Violation of these terms may result in removal from the xxx Power affiliate program, reversal of sales, or reduction in commissions. PPC GUIDELINES If you are enrolled in our Program and participate in PPC advertising, you must adhere to our PPC guidelines as follows: 1. You may not bid on any of our trademarked terms, including any variations or misspellings thereof for search or content-based campaigns on Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other network. These trademark terms include xxx Power, xxxpower.com, http://www.xxxpower.com, http://www.xxxpower.com and similar terms without express written permission. 2. Any TM+Keywords is prohibited, please DO NOT bid on brand+ keywords except brand+coupon, brand+voucher,brand+coupon code, brand+code, brand+deals,t he landing page should be your website, please DO NOT use our official websites directly. 3. You may not direct link to our website from any Pay-Per-Click ad or use redirects that yield the same result. Affiliates must be directed to an actual page on your website. 4. You may not use our URL (www.xxxpower.com) as your Display URL, however use as a subfolder or subdomain (i.e. http://www.yoursite.com/xxx Power or http://xxxpower.yoursite.com) is permissible. If you automate your PPC campaigns, the responsibility is yours to exclude our trademark terms from your program and we strongly suggest you add our trademarked terms as negative keywords. If you violate these PPC guidelines your current and past commission will be set to 0% without warning. Trademarked Terms: xxx Power, xxxpower.com, http://www.xxxpower.com, Violation of these terms may result in removal from the xxx Power affiliate program, reversal of sales, or reduction in commissions. SOCIAL MEDIA Affiliates are not permitted to use TM, TM+terms or any variation or misspelling to create pages or accounts on Facebook/Youtube/Twitter/Reddit/Instagram etc., including but not limited to xxx Power, xxxpower.com, http://www.xxxpower.com DOMAIN NAMES Use of any of our trademarked terms or misspellings as part of the domain for your website is strictly prohibited. (e.g. www. xxxpower-coupons.com). If you intend to promote our Program via e-mail campaigns, you must adhere to the following: 1. Abide by the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Public Law No. 108-187) with respect to our Program. 2. E-mail must be sent on your behalf and must not imply that the e-mail is being sent on behalf of xxx Power. FTC COMPLIANCE You are required by xxx Power to disclose your affiliate relationship on any promotion for this merchant. This includes but is not limited to blog posts, videos, emails, social media and website pages. Your audience must understand you may earn commissions if they click your links. This disclosure statement should be clear and concise, stating that xxx Power is compensating you for your review or endorsement. If you received the product for free from xxx Power for review, this also must be clearly stated in your disclosure. For more information and suggestions about how to comply with the FTC’s Endorsement Guidelines, please review the FTC Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, the FTC Endorsements website resource, and the FTC Dot Com Disclosures. Please note that the FTC guides and resources are only intended to provide guidance. They do not purport to provide legal advice and they do not guarantee that you will be in compliance with FTC regulations if you follow the suggestions presented. You are advised to seek and obtain your own legal advice on how these rules apply to your website or other promotional activities for which you receive compensation. Please visit the FTC.gov website Business Center – Advertising and Marketing – Endorsements, Influencers and Reviews”

第四,管理联盟客(affiliate publisher)–欢迎语,手动还是自动审核

设置好联盟条款后就进入到Manage affiliate这个板块,第一就是联盟客的审核规则是自动审核通过还是需要我们手动手动审核,一般大部分都是选择手动审核,联盟客在申请我们的联盟项目时,需要我们审核通过才可以,这样可以看看是什么样的联盟客加入了我们项目,他的EPC,介绍以及feedback score,shareasale里面有个对联盟客打分的,会在联盟客的那里显示出现,如果低于O分是负分的话就要多注意,还有也可以进去联盟客的网站看看是什么样的内容,然后决定通不通过。

这里可以设置个联盟客的欢迎语以及被拒说明下原因,可以设置自动回复的,欢迎语一般都是非常感谢加入联盟项目,然后把自己产品的一些offer,佣金设置, tracking cap,EPC等都可以简单提下,


完成上面步骤后接下来就是安装代码做付款测试,如果是shopify建站就很简单,就在shopify的应用下载个shareasale的app,然后安装并把申请的shareasale的merchant ID输入,如果是其他平台的建站需要把代码下载下来然后让技术人员帮忙安装到对应的位置,我记得当时安装的时候有2组代码 一组是基础的另外一组是事件代码,分别让技术帮忙帮忙安装对应的位置。

代码安装好后接下来就开始做付款测试,点击begin the test会有个链接根据这个链接去到对应的网站做个下单测试,看看shareasale后台能不能追踪到,如果能追踪到在shareasale会有显示,如果没有追踪到让技术排查下原因。

做好追踪测试后如果一切正常,接下来就是付款,卖家要在ShareASale上发布Affiliate Program,需要支付$650美元的Setup fee和$125美元的预存费,就是说卖家首次开通需要支付一共$750美元的费用,$650美元是一次性费用,$120美元是用来支付给联盟成员的预存佣金费和给ShareASale每笔20%的佣金交易费



目前也建了亚马逊/独立站,联盟营销,网红营销以及Tiktok Shop的交流学习群都是纯卖家,非常活跃交流遇到的一些问题跟经验,欢迎添加微信:nanxipeng或者扫描下面二维码加入


