- 带签字的投诉书(电子/邮寄);
- 描述侵权的依据; 侵权的Listing网址;
- 版权方的详细地址、电话、Email,需要与专利申请人一致;
- 说明对方在版权方不知情的情况下盗用了你的版权;
- 说明你是版权方或版权方授权对相关问题提起投诉;
- 附件:专利受理回执、专利受理截图
Date: 日期
To Whom It May Concern,
We are writhing this email to report a violation of our Patent Rights.
We are the designer of the following product(s):
You may read attachments and see that we have filed our patent at the Patent Office, and the registration details are as below:
Patent Number (Registration No. 专利批号)
Patent Owner’s Name: 专利注册人
Patent Owner’s Phone No.: 专利注册人电话
Patent Owner’s Email Address: 专利注册人电子邮箱
But we noticed our products have already been sold on Amazon withour our permission, you may also compare the products sold by the 3rd parties on Amazon to our design drawing in the attachment, and you will find they are exactly the same!
Therefore, we would ask you to remove the following listing(s) on Amazon, and we reserve our rights to take any legal action hereafter.
Thank you and looking forward to your reply!
Kind regards,